Sunday, November 29, 2009

No H8!!

“In the final analysis of everything, nothing is any good unless you can look up just before dinner, or turn around in bed, and there they are. Without love, you’re not a person. You’re something with a French provincial office, or a book full of clippings. But you’re not a person.”

Bette Davis had it right when she said that. Everyone needs love, and we are all born with the right to fulfill that need. Yet, somehow, certain people feel as though they have the right to stand in the way of another’s happiness. On November 4th, 2008, Proposition 8 was passed, once again ranking California among other states that have made same-sex marriage illegal.

But why should it be illegal to marry someone of your same sex? After all, don’t they say love is blind? And what ever happened to our constitutional right to pursue happiness? Does that right pertain only to men and women in heterosexual relationships? I think not. What some people don’t understand is that the issue of gay marriage isn’t about “hurting the feelings” of sexual minorities; it’s about the laws and beliefs upon which this nation was built.

In the eyes of the government, it is sufficient enough to give to homosexuals the right to a “Commitment Ceremony.” While it is not a legal marriage, it allows for the recognition of an established relationship. It is suggested that establishing the institution of the commitment ceremony keeps from giving in to either side of the debate. However, if you think for a moment, you will see that this establishment gives in to the opposition. The only goal of the opposition is to keep gay marriage from being legalized. With all this “commitment ceremony” mishigas the government is, in fact, appeasing one side of the issue.

The side of the issue that the government is appeasing does more than just keep gays from marital happiness; it keeps some from receiving proper Health Care. Take Daniel and Jose, for instance. Daniel and Jose are a happily “committed” gay couple. They live together, have a stable, healthy relationship, and are both working steady jobs. Jose has a degenerative nerve condition making it more and more difficult for him to walk. His health insurance does not cover the medication needed to stop the degeneration of his nerves, but Daniel’s does. However, health insurance does not allow coverage for one’s committed partner. Because Daniel and Jose can’t get married, Jose is unable to receive proper medical coverage and it is only a matter of time before he can no longer walk.

I believe that there is no logical argument against gay marriage. You can’t argue that there will be no reproduction, because it is still possible. While lesbians can’t necessarily “do it themselves,” they can seek a sperm donor. And just like with a heterosexual couple, the result is OFFSPRING. Gay men can always adopt a child, which is just as well.

And who is gay marriage hurting anyway? I don’t recall the last time I read about a gay couple’s marriage resulting in the deaths of puppies or kittens. Or even people for that matter. It is no one’s concern who someone chooses to marry. Unless someone or something is harmed in any way as the direct result of gay marriage, I don’t see what harm it does.

The only other argument I can think of would be a religious one. And that is beyond invalid. It has been stated time and time again that Church and State shall be separate. If that is so, then why are so many religious groups having such a strong pull in this debate? Why are secular views and beliefs constantly brought up when discussing this topic? When it comes to same-sex issues, and if it is a legal matter, not a personal one, religion should be altogether disregarded.

This nation was built on the value of Freedom. We have the freedom to choose our religion, bear arms, and speak our minds. So why shouldn’t we have the right to love and marry who we choose? For decades, homosexuals have joined the Armed Forces and fought for those freedoms we hold so dear. They shouldn’t have to fight for freedom at home, too. It is time that this world stops being ignorant and intolerant, and just let people live life how they choose. Do you want to be the one that stands in the way of someone’s happiness, health, or freedom? Don’t hate, and don’t discriminate. Unite and help obliterate Proposition 8.

Peace, Loce and Glamour!!

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